
Conventionally the domain of discourse specifies the set of objects are we addressing. Within mathematical logic, the domain is specified outside of the axioms and transformation rules, as a Limitation on the type of objects that the transformations apply to. (Iconic Arithmetic Volume I, p. 216)

For example, every number has a successor,

∀n n ∈ ℕ ⇒ n + 1 ∈ ℕ.

The universal quantification ∀n asserts we are referring to all of the domain. The double struck ℕ indicates that the rule applies to the domain of natural numbers only. ℕ defines what we mean by “every number”. The set membership statement n ∈ ℕ, declares that whatever the variable n indexes belongs to the set of natural numbers. The rule says that for any natural number, there is a natural number that is one unit larger. The final set membership statement, n + 1 ∈ ℕ, declares that the successor number n + 1 is also a member of the set of natural numbers. Not only does the rule define a valid transformation (we can add one to any number), it also generates all admissible numbers. Combined with other rules, it contributes to the definition of our Concept of Natural Numbers.


Servers are allocated IP addresses which then must be associated with a domain name which one leases for a few years at a time. A domain name registrar is a company that manages the reservation of Internet domain names. wikipedia

A domain "owner" can establish unlimited subdomains by appropriately configuring DNS.


Domains github is a Pharo port of wayback a computer system algebra running on Cuis.