Double You

This page began as a bibliography, and this paragraph may be replaced over time by a Synopsis of the topic.


ALBERS, Lucas Wilhelmus Antonius, 2010. Double You?: Function and Form of Implicit and Explicit Self-esteem. PhD Thesis. Kurt Lewin Instituut. Available from: [Accessed 5 February 2024]. r.W.Albers

DE LANLAY, Fabienne, 2013. From the Double-You to the Double-I. The Subjectivation Process during an Adolescent Psychodrama. La psychiatrie de lenfant. Online. 2013. Vol. 56, no. 2, p. 351–375. Available from: [Accessed 5 February 2024]. PETROSKI, Henry, 1970. I See You,’N Double You. Word Ways. Online. 1970. Vol. 3, no. 4, p. 4. Available from: [Accessed 5 February 2024]. PUBLICISTA, El, 2006. Attitudes-Double You. . Online. 2006. Available from: [Accessed 5 February 2024]. SCHINDLER, Tracey, 2015. Double You. Canadian Children’s Book News. Online. 2015. Vol. 38, no. 2, p. 34. Available from: [Accessed 5 February 2024]. TAFLER, David, 1988. Peter D’Agostino’s Double You (and X, Y, Z.)(interactive video, color).. Online. 1988. JSTOR. Available from: [Accessed 5 February 2024]. TUNJI-OLAYENI, Patience, OSABUOHIEN, Evans, YABKWA, Isreal and ADEMOLA, Andrew, 2021. Youth employment creation as an inclusive solution for sustainable development: Lessons from the ‘double you digital skills initiative’in Nigeria. In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Online. IOP Publishing. 2021. p. 012019. Available from: [Accessed 5 February 2024].