Earth4All is an international initiative to accelerate the systems-change we need for an equitable future on a finite planet. site
DIXSON-DECLÈVE, Sandrine, GAFFNEY, Owen, GHOSH, Jayati, RANDERS, Jørgen, ROCKSTRÖM, Johan and STOKNES, Per Espen, 2022a. Earth for all: a survival guide for humanity: a report to the Club of Rome (2022), fifty years after The Limits of Growth (1972). . Gabriola Island: New Society Publishers. ISBN 978-0-86571-986-6.
> “Earth For All is an antidote to despair. Combining the global economy, population, inequality, food, and energy in a state-of-the art computer model, a leading group of scientists and economists present a plan of five system-shifting steps to achieve prosperity for all within planetary limits in a single generation.”--
DIXSON-DECLÈVE, Sandrine, GAFFNEY, Owen, GHOSH, Jayati, RANDERS, Jørgen, ROCKSTRÖM, Johan and STOKNES, Per Espen, 2022b. Earth for all: ein Survivalguide für unseren Planeten: der neue Bericht an den Club of Rome, 50 Jahre nach “Die Grenzen des Wachstums.” . 3. Auflage. München: oekom. ISBN 978-3-96238-387-9.
# The Earth4All Model
– The Earth4All model of human wellbeing
on a finite planet towards 2100. pdf
– Earth4All global model - Beta version with data & charts (Stella, Vensim & Excel formats). page
YOUTUBE Jdv6nECDCqE The science of Earth4All – Jørgen Randers at the International Systems Dynamics Conference
Earth4All modeller and co-author of The Limits to Growth Jorgen Randers presents the Earth4All modelling at the International Systems Dynamics Conference in June 2022.
* System dynamics model
– Till Kellerhoff, Short Intro to Earth4All at the Ars Electronica. linkedin
YOUTUBE WLLP03i4Ds8 Earth4All: Survival Guide for the Future – incl. Keynote by Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker
The Earth4all initiative is made up of leading scientists, economists and communicators, and maps the deep transformations needed to achieve the survival of humanity. Its conclusion is unequivocal: only systems-level change driven by all of today’s movements working together – poverty, equality, human rights, climate and nature – will succeed. This goal is now within reach, and Earth4All can show the way forward. Science has revealed that we live in a unique moment in history – a decisive decade where failure to act risks crossing irreversible Earth tipping points. The world’s response to a global pandemic provides us with a transformational moment to bring about the change we need. Success would mean that prosperous, equitable societies could develop within planetary boundaries. Here, Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, environmental scientist, politician and former co-president of the Club of Rome, speaks on the new report: a survival guide to help steer humanity away from ecological and social catastrophe. Seeking to operationalize systems change, the Earth4All project developed 5 pathways that steer humanity away from ecological and social catastrophe.
– Energy transformation – Food system transformation – Widespread adoption of new economic models in developing economies. – Reduced inequality to at least achieve a goal of ensuring the wealthiest 10% of the global population have less than 40% of the global wealth. – Empower women and invest in education for all.
Subsequently, panelists discuss the application of the 5 pathways at the local level in countries or regions. An economic transformation will be necessary and new economic paradigms need to be established – how can the transformation towards wellbeing economics be accelerated?
YOUTUBE mL2TWzrvlYE Earth4All | Club of Rome | BPK 30. August 2022 (English Audio)
Questions and moderation in German language, Answers and Statements in English. The "BPK / Bundespressekonferenz" is a Club of Journalists, based in Berlin, Germany.