
could no longer boom if only as much is consumed as can be recycled

However, not only would consumption be rationed, but Production would also be managed. Since green energy will be scarce, some industries would have to shrink significantly or would be obsolete altogether. In particular, aviation, banks, insurance companies, car companies and parts of the chemical industry would not have much of a future.

Millions of people would become unemployed and would have to find new jobs, for example in Climate Protection. This ecological transformation would only be possible in an orderly manner if the State steers and protects all those affected.

The British demonstrated during World War II how a government can effectively steer to radically transform the economy. The government did not intervene in individual businesses at that time, but continued to leave it up to owners and managers to decide how they wanted to run their businesses internally. The government only determined what was produced in the first place – and how much. The factories were then allocated the necessary labor and raw materials to meet government Goals. The British government thus steered indirectly by allocating rare resources in a targeted manner.


HERRMANN, Ulrike, 2022. Das Ende des Kapitalismus: warum Wachstum und Klimaschutz nicht vereinbar sind – und wie wir in Zukunft leben werden. Köln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch. ISBN 978-3-462-00255-3, p. 254.