Educational System

Of particular interest is the case of the educational system, which has to consider not only the Inclusion of all in the educational process, but also the inclusion of its output in all functional circles of society.

This sets the concept of "giftedness" (Begabung, [⇒ Talent]) in motion, until it finally designates a (often admittedly structurally inhibited) characteristic of all.

Concepts of giftedness, in other words, reformulate for the educational system the inclusion requirements of the functionally differentiated social system and thus lay them out in a way that is understandable to educators and open to the connection of educational action.

The consequences dynamize the educational system: no longer limited by aptitude barriers (Begabungsschranken), it can grow at will and make unlimited demands for better training (and pay) of teachers.

It has to attribute deficiencies in student performance to itself, since the inference to deficiencies in talent is blocked, and is then responsible for remedial action.


LUHMANN, Niklas, 2017. Systemtheorie der Gesellschaft. Berlin: Suhrkamp. ISBN 978-3-518-58705-8, p. 821.

TalentHuman Resources: further education (beruflich) further training, business and employment-focused social media platforms