
Single page apps made easy site


Richard Feldman ⇒ rtfeldman / elm-spa-example github Make Data StructuresScaling Elm Apps

Ryan Haskell-Glatz ⇒ ryannhg / elm-spa github , single page apps made easy site

npm install -g elm-spa@latest ~/workspace/elm npm WARN deprecated fsevents@2.1.3: "Please update to latest v2.3 or v2.2"

Create a new project

npx elm-spa new

Run it in your browser

npx elm-spa server # Ready at http://localhost:1234

Visit the official site at elm-spa.dev for more examples, guides [⇒The Official Guide], and other documentation.

* User authentication page , github * Realworld app (elm-spa-example) in elm-pages v3 discourse Dillon Kearns

A default template for building Elm SPA applications using Vite. Includes hot-module reload of Elm modules (courtesy of vite-plugin-elm). github Lindsay Wardell