Embed Video

Embedding video is similar to adding an image. Instead of dragging and dropping an image onto Factory, however, you are going to drag and drop a URL.

Let's add a video to a Scratch Page. Click below to open a scratch page:

Method One: Cross-Tab Drag

To embed video via cross-tab drag, first click the Add Button at the bottom of our scratch page and open up a Factory.

VIMEO 166063879 A brief insight into how we can document the project development and supplement it with videos.

In another tab of your browser, navigate to the video you wish to use. We currently support YouTube, Vimeo, and Internet Archive videos. Here we're going to add a video from YouTube.

When you get to the video, look for the little icon next to the URL in your location bar. It will usually look like a document or a lock.

You are going to do a Cross-Tab Drag and drop that icon (along with attached URL) onto factory. Click down and hold that icon, drag it the tab portion of your browser.

Hover over the tab with your target page for a second or two, and the browser should switch to that tab. (If it doesn't, see Choose the Right Browser. Now drop the icon on Factory. The embedded video should appear. Double click to edit caption.

Method Two: Add Video Key Manually

To add a video without doing a Cross-Tab Drag, start by adding a Factory to your page, then navigate to another tab, and find your video.

Selecting a YouTube ID. It begins after the "v=".

Instead of dragging the icon, however, we want you to grab the ID, or "key" of the video from the URL.

Select it and copy it, then bring it back to the tab where your Factory is open.

Click "Video" on Factory. A text area is revealed.

Type the video type in all caps, followed by a space then the key. On the following line you can add a caption. It should look like this:

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We call the video type a "command", because it tells the plugin what to do. There are different commands you can find at the About Video Plugin page.