Equifinality is the phenomenon whereby open systems reach die same end state from different beginning states and by different paths. It is contrasted with die convention used in discussing dosed systems where the final state is given if die initial state and process are known and where a change in the initial state or the process produces a different final state. If a final state is known or desired in an open system (which includes most of them), the alternative beginning points and paths may be altered to hasten, postpone or otherwise change die cyde. It follows that a pluralistic or fragmented approach may be called for depending on the mix of initial states and the availability of resources to facilitate die most satisfactory movement from the one to the other. # SOURCE Bertalanffy, L. (1968). General System Theory. New York: Braziller. # EXAMPLES • the limits of useful life of a machine • die building of a road from point A to point B • die progress of a life from birth to death • die training of personnel to manufacture electronic components # NON-EXAMPLES • the reactions of chemicals in a test tube • a computer program • games of certainty • die plot of morality tales # SEE Openness in systems; Variety; Entropy; Ultrastability; Information; Equilibrium