ES Modules

ES modules bring an official, standardized module system to JavaScript. It took a while to get here, though — nearly 10 years of standardization work. page

We've been itching to embrace the ES6 module structures and maybe leave jQuery and CoffeeScript behind in the process. When node inventor Ryan Dahl announced that he was taking a similar fresh look at server-side javascript runtimes, of course we were interested.

Node.js creator Ryan Dahl voiced some deep misgivings about his server-side JavaScript runtime engine at the EU JS conference earlier this week in Germany. post

Michael Jackson Script (mjs) is a file name the node js community ascribed to ES6 modules.

One definitive answer (of many) for building javascript apps. Plausible recommendations and rationale, if you're just starting out (as of April 2018): use babel, webpack, & gulp. Wiki's current tools are equally plausible: coffeescript, browserify, & grunt. Related reading also recommend the yarn and webpack combination. blog

In the most ubiquitous programming ecosystem, modules have been shoehorned in where they were originally lacking. As of early 2018, nodejs gradually builds toward ECMAScript Modules. Guidance for transition from CommonJS to ESM: link

Jan Miksovsky is an designer/developer expert at on Web Components. Only interested in coding approaches that can be shared with other people. With emphasis on stylin and reuse. page

Proof of concept loading a web component into wiki. github