ESP8266 Datalog

We're polling multiple ESP8266 Sensor Servers from a server-side plugin configured and logged on this page.

View recent sensor data. plot

digraph { rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=palegreen] datalog [label="datalog\nplugin"] assets [label="assets\nplugin"] desk -> datalog office -> datalog bedroom -> datalog datalog -> assets -> html -> plotly }

Sensor clusters named by location. Change that here when moved. SENSOR desk SENSOR office SENSOR bedroom SENSOR garage Recording discipline and retention. Now up from 2400 samples/day. DAY 5000 KEEP 10

We offer a script using d3 based plotly.js for rendering this data fetched directly from assets. clock github




Big numbers. 1624921431577 = June 28, 2021 4:03:51 PM DST indoors 478/16 c in f = 85.775 outdoors 714/16 c in f = 112.325

{ "clock": 1624921431577, "result": [ { "name": "desk", "data": { "28F0BAF6": 402, "28DE9AF6": 399, "2851B4F6": 403, "28CF99F6": 401 } }, { "name": "office", "data": { "28FF081D": 455, "28FFEC6F": 447 } }, { "name": "bedroom", "data": { "28FFC86F": 475, "28FFDA1D": 477, "28FF3E6F": 478 } }, { "name": "garage", "data": { "28FF2E41": 710, "28FF6BCE": 714, "28FF9763": 711 } } ] }

See Datalog Record Locator for editing.



I scan my data log for gaps due to power outage, network outage or most likely both. I find nine in the last 10 days.

250 seconds 1/11/2024 10:45:38 PM 190 seconds 1/13/2024 8:23:53 AM 71 hours 1/13/2024 11:48:59 AM 220 seconds 1/16/2024 8:53:59 PM 225 seconds 1/18/2024 11:32:31 AM 173 seconds 1/18/2024 4:36:43 PM 156 seconds 1/18/2024 11:27:12 PM 156 seconds 1/19/2024 1:54:42 AM 35 seconds 1/19/2024 2:08:31 AM