Evaluate Two Companies

(look at the images below) and ask yourself one of questions: (Doctrine, page )

* For which company I would like to work? * In which company I would like to invest? * Which company is a more dangerous competitor?

Image 3 png

Image 3 & 4: Which of those companies look better? Which one is better to work for and which one is better to compete with?

Image 4 png

# How to Use Doctrine Phases?


Phase I

Start to stop being self-destructive, i.e., Phase 1. page


necessary for Collaboration

speak up and question

understand what is being considered


e.g. customers, shareholders, regulators, staff

An essential part of mapping is the Anchor of user needs.

Use multiple maps to help you remove duplication and bias within an organisation.

e.g. agile vs lean vs six sigma


as in know the details

