Exponential Survival Competence

Radical approach to lifelong learning through a mathematical calculation of competence:

COMPETENCE = destilled relevant information * tacit and explicit know-how * experience in real life * willpower to act from the heart. => if willpower of the heart is zero // = ZERO COMPETANCE So, how do we increase willpower of the heart to 100?

YOUTUBE TXBzC14aH4M Green Swan - Impact Investing - One world vision/ breaking the silos to address system change.

# ESC - competence with intuitive power Exponential Survival Competence - ESC (just like an escape button) - in a time when exponential problems and complex challenges are defined in the reality of the acronyms of VUCA, we hit the ESC button and set reset.

Ready for the next and better. We mix and destill this approach to Agile learning/ Agile Learning Manifesto and we enter fast into a pilot of testing and enterprising:

> _will it be good for people, animal and our ecosystem and will it give bread on the table? Today, tomorrow or in 10 years?_

> What is the heart whispering as an intuitive truth to you? See this spark of finding the question similar to your reaction of catching a ball: - hey catch! What is your heart telling you?

No time for delaying any process, we build thriving sparks everyday as soon as our eyes are up! We look for people with the competence: hungry to live the possible new lifestyle - and to leapfrog poverty and hunger - survival instincts alert! I am inspired by John Elington and from the Green Swans, and to move back to restoration mindset and in very much beyond "regenerative approach" into a generative approach. Expressing this, from a point of knowing that have to enter a mindset where good things grow willingly - the solution to do right, good, from the beginning of a generative design process.

However, not to override, for sure we have to repair and recover, and to give nature the time to regenerate itself.

Green Wiki Writers Club, Journalist, Core Team.