Exponentially Human

Exponentially Human is a mixture of fact and fiction, which becomes more factual with every passing day.

As fiction it is the name of a chapter I'm contributing to a book about the future, called 50:50 – Scenarios for the Next 50 Years.

Linking fact and fiction, the event described in the chapter is a real event that is already being planned.

The Chapter describes a three day conference and party to celebrate the tenth anniversary of a group called "Exponentially Human".

When I first drafted the chapter I had an idea of what the celebrations would be like, but I didn't have a name for that kind of celebration. Then I came across FEAST, which I see as a "ten years earlier"version of the celebrations we will have for Exponentially Human in 2027.

FEAST has all the necessary elements of hyper-local and globally-scattered involvement. It has joyful, "feasting" elements, with good food, music and company. It has serious "conference" elements with keynote addresses or provocations, expert opinion, group discussion, and contributions (the "wisdom in the room") from the globally-scattered community.

The party will also mark the launch of the first volume of "The Exponential Leap"

50:50 – Scenarios for the Next 50 Years is published by Fast Future publishing http://fastfuturepublishing.com/main/about/

My contribution to the book was inspired by some ideas in Technology Vs Humanity http://www.techvshuman.com/

I responded especially to these ideas in Technology Vs Humanity: * Exponential growth related to technology * Convergence of previously separate aspects of technology * Technology has no ethics, yet a society without ethics is doomed.