Federated Lepiter

Federated Wiki brought us here and made us start this project.

What is Lepiter?

Knowledge Management + Multi-language Notebooks + Moldable Development post

Integrate / Merge 3 Tools

Sketch to Integrate / Merge 3 Tools

Originally we wanted to import a Federated Wiki Backup into a Lepiter DB. And then reconstruct the page directory from an export file.

We are currently working with an external child process. The following snippet creates an indefinitely running process that runs the `wiki` and configures the standard streams to be piped into a buffer:

process := GtExternalProcessBuilder new command: 'wiki'; pipeStdout; spawn.

The piped `stdout` is buffered and can be polled at regular intervals. The code snippet below polls the `stdout` as a string every `0.5 seconds` and prints it into a local transcript:

transcript := GtTranscript new. reader := process asynchronousStdout pollStringEvery: 0.5 second do: [ :aString | transcript show: aString ]. transcript

The ethernet cable is connected. This provides the basic Scaffolding setup on which an Observer entity can evolve. Now, what we can say about the traffic coming and going through the wire? (A Mentoring Course on Smalltalk, p. 209)

WebBrowser openOn: 'http://localhost:3000/system/sitemap.json'


How to implement a Federated Lepiter 'server'?