There has been an interest in making use of Dat with Federated Wiki for sometime. This includes both for working with external data, and as a different way of storing wiki pages. Here we track these uses.
Max Ogden and Ward explored ways that Dat and Federated Wiki can cooperate to smooth the sharing, converting and and exploring large datasets. github
The goals of the Mozilla Science Lab's global two-day sprint on June 4-5 are to write and build useful things, and to strengthen ties within the open science community by giving people a chance to work together. etherpad
A datscript plugin was created, see github
YOUTUBE AKpJgNoT1b8 A mashup of Dat + Datscript on the Federated Wiki to edit data pipelines in the wiki, run the pipelines on the server and view results in the browser using wiki plugins.
Explored using dat to archive wiki sites. A Hashbase peer is used to mirror the wiki pages to https, so they are available to the wider federation, see Archived Wiki
A new implementation of Federated Wiki on dat appeared in 2018. Paul formulated the main goals for dat with Federated Wiki as:
- removing the need for an individual/group having the knowledge (and time) to run a server and maintain a server to host the wiki server, and
- the use of persistent peers provides an ability to keep a wiki available - this might be for long term retention, or to use it for reference without network access.
See Federated Wiki on Dat for how to get started with the dat variant of Federated Wiki.