Chirag Patel, Ultimate search engine, Master of Science (MS), California State University, Sacramento; 06/21/2012; Handle:
The search engine is a tool designed to search for information on the web according to the keywords specified by users. Different search engines are being accessed by most of the people accessing the web in the modern world. To retrieve the best results, many times the user accesses different search engines, because every search engine uses different logic to retrieve information from its own database repository. During this process, the user encounters repetition in the search results and irrelevant search results. It takes much time and effort for the user, especially in technical, research, literature, science, education, etc., fields. Ultimate Search Engine provides the functionality to manage search results from different search engines in one place with the flexibility of run time search engine selection. Ultimate Search Engine provides a unique result set of different search engines with load balancing on the web.
> The top ranked results fetched from the second priority search engine are different than the results of the first priority search engine.
> The first priority array object is considered first in the calculation. According to the number of results specified for the first priority search engine, the elements from the first priority array object are inserted into the combined array object.