First Published Program

We easily share programs and their outputs on wiki pages using one plugin to hold them and another plugin to show them when we write them as html scripts.

Step one create an assets folder on the wiki server by configuring it with Assets plugin markup optionally following the page-slug convention.


Drop your script here or upload it with the button.


Your script is now ready to run. When you click the link you will see in the new tab where wiki has placed the file.

Step two create a Frame plugin and configure it to show this script output after running it again with each view.


# Variations

Often one expects a fresh result with each running. Try changing Math.PI to Math.random() to see a new number each time viewed.


Often Frames are rerun by jiggling them from the edge. Clicks usually go to the script. But drags from the thin surround invoke wiki's move logic to redraw.

Often Frame runs scripts or renders pages from elsewhere in wiki or on the internet. Use double-click to edit a Frame to see where the script is stored.