**foprop** = forces of production, relations of production. The project has five streams of work in progress, oriented to the conduct of a transformational **activist life**, and making **a Living Economy** of **P2P-commons**.
Here we offer a frame for conceptualising **practice**; specifically transformative, **activist** practice: notably the practice of **making the living economy**. It furnishes the frame - forces of production, relations of production - for a **pattern language of commoning** and also for the foprop projects.
To expand your search neighbourhood click the roster links >> below Mike Hales' wikis mh.federated.wiki mhresources.federated.wiki pattern.resources.federated.wiki foprop foprop.federated.wiki 1-economy.federated.wiki conviv-cluster.federated.wiki formaciontalk.federated.wiki mh-mutualsector.federated.wiki pivotal-mutual.federated.wiki 2-pattern.federated.wiki pattern.resources.federated.wiki lowimpactcommoning.federated.wiki 3-platforming.federated.wiki 4-history.federated.wiki 5-walking.federated.wiki
**FoP RoP project wikis**
Until these wikis have been populated, prototypes are here website
Work celebrating and extending the vision and commitments of radical economist, social venturer and humane, inquiring, attentive listener, Robin Murray, who died in 2017. Work includes . .
Production was a central orientation in Robin Murray’s practice, and 'formacion' was a significant variant of this - especially in the latter part of his life, with **Synergia**, **Schumacher College** & **the Coop University**. But it's not something he addressed much on the page. This chapter makes an attempt at that.
This is work in progress @ nov2019 on a chapter for the book-for-Robin (Robin Murray). It's a quick fly-through the business of the chapter, drafted as the script of a 10-minute presentation.
Work in progress @ jan2010 on a chapter for 'A book for Robin' (Robin Murray) **Dual power, the pivotal mutual sector and practice in the commons - From economics to organising**.
This is where I develop work in progress towards a cluster of formacion coops - a venture following the vision of Robin Murray in **making the living economy**. It exploits the new thinking of the **DisCO governance model** for distributed, commons-oriented coops and aims for a radical co-produced infrastructuring of **tools for conviviality** in activist practice.
This is where I develop a pattern language for commoning, within the foprop framework.
These notes were written for LowImpact.org, Nov 2019. They're a collaboration between Dave Darby & Mike Hales.
Contains thinking related to **social.coop** and the world of platforms, free code and the open web in general.
Broadly, in **History** we look at politicised formations within the professional-managerial class (PMC). The PMC has been a controversial focus in the past generation but, optimistic or pessimistic - and regardless of the emergence of 'precarious' PMC work - its pivotal role can hardly be ignored.
This is where I explore the aesthetic/affective landscape and the production and stewarding of **structures of feeling**. This is part of an exploration of libertarian-socialist activist practice, and contributes to a pattern language of commoning. It's one of the **foprop projects**.