Frames can postMessage

We have released a new version of the Frame plugin (v0.7.0) which allows framed content to interact with the hosting wiki in interesting ways.

This demo of the new frame behavior includes several experiments at once. Together, this creates a clumsy, but workable editing environment for authors to extend wiki within a farm without having to be the farm administrator.

The contents of the frame includes a <section contenteditable=true> element.

When the contents load, the editor.js asset is copied into that <section>.

A download button and the corresponding function allow us to save a local copy of the edited contents of the <section>. The owner of this wiki can drag the downloaded file into the assets item to save the changes back to the server.

Lastly, the Show Results button, enables the author to generate a ghost page dynamically. From there, the page can be forked and thereby bring an artifact from the computation into the wiki.

// Content editable <section> that displays the script

