
Critisism is a gardener … (Empiriomonism, p. 4)

But the river does not flow just in order to remove stones and mountains; criticism cannot be the final goal, the end product at which life can come to a stop.

Human feelings, will, and even knowledge cannot be satisfied by criticism alone. The life that is growing and the forces that are building up must necessarily take shape in new forms; they must be organised into a new unity.

The Task of Criticism is to provide space for these forms, to prevent them from developing abnormally and inharmoniously, but it cannot create those forms. Criticism is a gardener who carefully clears the ground for a tree and prunes superfluous and crooked branches, but the gardener is not what causes the tree to grow and bear luxuriant fruit.

Life develops from life, and life defines its own Goal. And this goal is not criticism but Creativity.

is an unfolded Tautology.