Getting A Job

The basic message of Mark Granovetter's study *Getting A Job* is as simple as it is ingenious: It is not the close social relationships ("strong ties") that are helpful in the job search and career advancement, but primarily the more distant contacts ("weak ties"). Loose ties bring advantages because they provide non-redundant job-relevant information. Information that goes beyond what a person already knows through his or her close ties. This is because loose contacts come from different circles of friends and work with colleagues from diverse industries. Loose contacts are thus structurally linked to diverse cultures, traditions, or status positions. Although close friends are more willing to help out with potentially important information in the job search, their information is far less useful because they use the same channels. Their knowledge remains only well-intentioned advice – the really important information can be found beyond their own close circle of friends and acquaintances.


Mark Lutter, Marc S. Granovetter: Getting A Job, in: KRAEMER, Klaus and BRUGGER, Florian (eds.), 2021. Schlüsselwerke der Wirtschaftssoziologie. 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Wirtschaft + Gesellschaft. ISBN 978-3-658-31439-2, p. 257