Golden Ratio

The golden ratio (symbol is 𝜑, the Greek letter "phi") is a special number approximately equal to 1,618. It appears many times in geometry, art, architecture and other areas. page


\[\varphi = 1 + \frac{1}{\varphi} \]

So the Golden Ratio can be defined in terms of itself!


Määs – Meaning: measure, hollow measure; reduction and also eg. measuring spoon for small quantities ⇒ Werner Schwarz


All measures, integers, points, planes, 3D structures and dynamics in the Mereon geometry are rooted in and connected by the Golden Ratio

\[\varphi = (1 + \sqrt{5}) / 2\]

(Dennis, McNair, and Kauffman, The Mereon Matrix, p. 6).

We do find something ‘divine’ in the Mereon Matrix; however, it is not to be confused with a religious concept of ‘divinity’. The Matrix is based on the ‘Divine Proportion’, a section that is also known as the Golden Mean or Golden Ratio. (Dennis, McNair, and Kauffman, The Mereon Matrix, p. 46)