Graph Extractor

We try writing files in the CSV format we are proposing. Drag cases from Graph Viewer to start. github

Tip: We download a zip with one file per node type. We might have trouble with property values that would need special use of quotes and escapes we don't yet handle.


Extract from Brain app. graph

Carl's cool stuff graph

The fork-network graph of the dojo. graph

We can examine our mock data graph here too. Drag this item to be the first graph link on this page to turn our attention there. graph

Work in progress with Marc for Carl served from samples in source repo. github graph

// HEIGHT 400

We are not yet zipping relation properties of which we have a few. We download uncompressed zip but zipped this download again using the Finder compress command.

102 Source JSON (KB) 126 Graph JSON (KB) 31 Download CSV ZIP (KB) 13 Compressed CSV ZIP (KB)