Graveyard Ghost

Adapting the graveyard and ghosts from Bruno's Haunted House. lesson

const rn = (v) => v * (Math.random()-.5) renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true renderer.shadowMap.type = THREE.PCFSoftShadowMap scene.background = new THREE.Color('gray') scene.add(new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff, 0.2)) let light = new THREE.DirectionalLight('white', 0.3) light.position.set(2, 2, -1) light.castShadow = true scene.add(light) let mat = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial() let slab = new THREE.CubeGeometry(.3,.6,.1) for (let i=0; i<30; i++) { let grave = new THREE.Mesh(slab,mat) grave.castShadow = true grave.position.set(rn(5), 0, rn(5)) grave.rotation.set(0, rn(1), rn(.5)) scene.add(grave) } let table = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.PlaneGeometry(6, 6), mat) table.rotation.x = - Math.PI/2 table.position.y = - 0.2 table.receiveShadow = true scene.add(table) let ghosts = [{c:'#ffff00'},{c:'#ff00ff'},{c:'#00ffff'}] for (let g of ghosts) { g.l = new THREE.PointLight(g.c, 1, 2) g.l.position.set(rn(4), 1, rn(4)) g.l.castShadow = true g.r = rn(3)+3 g.v = rn(2) scene.add(g.l) } tick = () => { for (let g of ghosts) { let a = g.v * / 1000 g.l.position.set(Math.sin(a*6),1,Math.cos(a*3)) } } controls.autoRotate = true

// HEIGHT 400