Handle Hovers

Target handles hovers over items and actions. (wiki-client) code

Other visible items and actions with the same id will highlight. In some cases an 'align-item' event is generated inviting other pages to scroll the item into view.

Target tracks hovering even when not requested so that highlighting can be immediate when requested.

Eliminate What Is NOT to arrive at what is possible. Rather than considering a solution, consider all solutions by omitting the non-solutions.


wiki-client target.coffee code (actions ⇒ Journal Actions ⇒ addToJournal.coffee) ⇒ Perspective: How do you represent a Point of View into that Stream of changes?

Pattern: Time Travel [⇒ Time Travel Project] ⇒ Version History: You have an object whose changes you need to track. Split the object into two parts. One part is immutable. One is a snapshot of the changeable state.


target.coffee code appears to be written in CoffeeScript and uses jQuery to handle various interactions in a web application. I (ChatGPT August 3 Version) will break down the code section by section to explain its functionality:


targeting = false item = null action = null

Here, three variables (targeting, item, and action) are initialized. These variables are used to keep track of the application's state.

bind Function:

bind = -> # Event handlers for keydown and keyup on the document $(document) .keydown (e) -> startTargeting e if e.keyCode == 16 .keyup (e) -> stopTargeting e if e.keyCode == 16 # Event delegation for mouseenter and mouseleave on elements with class '.item', '.action', and '.page' $('.main') .delegate '.item', 'mouseenter', enterItem .delegate '.item', 'mouseleave', leaveItem .delegate '.action', 'mouseenter', enterAction .delegate '.action', 'mouseleave', leaveAction .delegate '.page', 'align-item', alignItem

This bind function sets up event handlers for keydown and keyup events on the entire document and delegates mouseenter mdn and mouseleave mdn events for elements with specific classes within an element with class '.main'.

* Element: mouseenter event mdn * Element: mouseleave event mdn

startTargeting Function:

startTargeting = (e) -> targeting = e.shiftKey if targeting if id = item || action $("[data-id=#{id}]").addClass('target')

This function is called when the shift key is pressed (keydown). It sets the targeting variable to true if the shift key is pressed and adds a 'target' class to an element with a specific data-id if either item or action is defined.

* MouseEvent: shiftKey property mdn

stopTargeting Function:

stopTargeting = (e) -> targeting = e.shiftKey unless targeting $('.item, .action').removeClass 'target'

This function is called when the shift key is released (keyup). It sets the targeting variable to false if the shift key is released and removes the 'target' class from elements with classes '.item' and '.action'.

enterItem Function:

enterItem = (e) -> item = $(this).attr('data-id') if targeting # Add 'target' class to the item $("[data-id=#{item}]").addClass('target') # Trigger the 'align-item' event on the '.page' element with some data key = $(this).parents('.page:first').data('key') $('.page').trigger('align-item', {key, id:item})

This function is called when the mouse enters an element with class '.item'. It sets the item variable to the data-id attribute of the element and adds a 'target' class to it if targeting is active. It also triggers an 'align-item' event on the '.page' element.

leaveItem Function:

leaveItem = (e) -> if targeting $('.item, .action').removeClass('target') item = null

This function is called when the mouse leaves an element with class '.item'. It removes the 'target' class from all elements with classes '.item' and '.action' if targeting is active and resets the item variable to null.

enterAction Function:

enterAction = (e) -> action = $(this).data('id') if targeting # Add 'target' class to the action $("[data-id=#{action}]").addClass('target') # Trigger the 'align-item' event on the '.page' element with some data key = $(this).parents('.page:first').data('key') $('.page').trigger('align-item', {key, id:action})

This function is similar to enterItem but works for elements with class '.action'.

leaveAction Function:

leaveAction = (e) -> if targeting $("[data-id=#{action}]").removeClass('target') action = null

Similar to leaveItem, this function is called when the mouse leaves an element with class '.action' and resets the action variable to null.

alignItem Function:

alignItem = (e, align) -> # Handle alignment logic based on the provided data $page = $(this) return if $page.data('key') == align.key $item = $page.find(".item[data-id=#{align.id}]") return unless $item.length position = $item.offset().top + $page.scrollTop() - $page.height()/2 $page.stop().animate {scrollTop: position}, 'slow'

This function handles alignment logic based on data provided. It's triggered when the 'align-item' event is fired on a '.page' element.

Exporting the bind function:

module.exports = {bind}

This line exports the bind function, making it accessible to other parts of the codebase.


DOT FROM lambda-browsing