Handwritten Notes

=> 6756: Handwritten Notes Provide Access to Recorded Conversations. acm

WHITTAKER, Steve, HYLAND, Patrick and WILEY, Myrtle, 1994. FILOCHAT: handwritten notes provide access to recorded conversations. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems celebrating interdependence - CHI ’94. Online. Boston, Massachusetts, United States: ACM Press. 1994. p. 271–277. ISBN 978-0-89791-650-9. DOI 10.1145/191666.191763. [Accessed 27 July 2024]. acm

We present a novel application which integrates handwriting and recorded audio in a semi-portable device: It allows users to straightforwardly access particular points in recorded spontaneous speech via handwritten notes using temporat indexing. Initiat interviews with 23 users and 28 non-users of office audio showed a requirement for supplementing handwritten meeting notes with a verbatim speech record of the conversation, as well as problems in accessing particular points in long audio recordings. On the basis of this, we built a prototype system that combined co-indexed handwritten notes and recorded audio in a digital notebook. The prototype was tested on 67 users in field and laboratory trials. Laboratory studies showed objective benefits of combined notes and audio over notes alone. The utility of the access method was shown by improved performance over current audio technology such as dictaphones. We also found perceived benefits of higher quatity meeting minutes in field trials. An unforeseen benefit was the use of this device as an audio editing tool. We discuss further technical extensions and user issues in relation to the prototype.