Hierarchy of Mechanism

We wish to implement and test wiki feature by feature where more mechanisms must be working correctly for newer features to work as intended. ► marks need met.

Consider link sources such as twins, references, backlinks, map markers, graphviz links, searches.


► Complete a phrase that you own.

Page json with title, story and paragraph types.

Recognize internal links in paragraph text.

Consistently convert title to slug.

Fetch new page json based on slug.


► Ponder the space between pages.

Render page json into panels.

Add or replace panels at user's discretion.

Cooperation with defined and useful semantics.

Async rendering initially and on update.


► Draw content from possibilities.

Fabricate temporary pages for explanatory panels.

Create ghost for pages not found.


► Adaptable units of familiar or exotic function.

Extend page json with additional item types.

Bundle a few types so that they are reliably present.

Dynamically load additional trusted types.

Bundle about documentation with each type.


► Commons shaped by useful pages shared.

Search for page json from a prioritized list of sites.

Record a history of fork actions to inform the list.

Factor the origin into the list.

Factor markup or item properties into the list.


► Expose how and where a page came to be.

Record a history of edit actions that produced a page.

Construct a random identity for items when created.

Add or move items based on the identity of existing items.

Reapply action history to reconstruct revisions.


► Sphere of influences shows as one explores.

Construct and maintain sitemaps for pages within a site.

Retrieve and accumulate sitemaps for sites encountered.

Identify lineup panels with twins in neighborhood.

Click to add twin to lineup.

Display sites in neighborhood. Click to open welcome.


► Find pages by secondary associations e.g. terminology.

Search the neighborhood for desired pages.

Search page synopsis or full-text index when available.

Offer a prioritized list of alternative pages.

Optionally construct a ghost page of search results.


► Traverse primary associations forward and backward.

Annotate sitemaps with forward links from each page.

Search the neighborhood for links to pages in the lineup.

Append an organized list of backlinks to each panel.