How the Brain Functions

The majority of the signals do not travel from the eyes to the brain: they go the other way, from the brain to the eyes. (Carlo Rovelli, Helgoland, p. 162)

Whatever next? Predictive brains, situated agents, and the future of cognitive science article by Andy Clark


Address busses works well and are at the heart of both processor and memory design on a variety of scales. Address busses make computers a logical machine for when they are properly clocked we can reason knowing all elements have been considered. But this pattern is rare or nonexistent in nature. Let's understand why.

Projection on Sensors, Discrepancy on Back Channel

What happens is that the brain *expects* to see something, on the basis of what it knows and has previously occured. The brain elaborates an image of what it *predicts* the eyes should see. This information is conveyed *from* the brain *to* the eyes, through intermediate stages. If a discrepancy is revealed between what the brain expects and the light arriving into the eyes, *only then* do the neural circuits send signals towards the brain. So images from around us do not travel from the eyes to the brain – only news of discrepancies regarding what the brain expects do. (Carlo Rovelli, Helgoland, p. 162)

The brain elaborates an image of what it predicts the eyes should see. + and it would show up on screen behind the speaker and also available to all participants on the backchannel. See Workshop Wiki