How the Software Was Purchased and Paid For

Brian via matrix Jan, great thread! mastodon I think it's useful to note how software was bought and paid for. All software was proprietary, often licensed per product or as a large one time sum (with a smattering of Shareware). There was a flip flopping of mainframe vs PCs that went back and forth a couple of times. There were some very public flops that used Waterfall methodology (IBM OS360 "Mythical man month") that underdelivered and overspent. … The "punk" kid Torvalds was rebelling against whichever proprietary Unix wouldn't share their sources etc. … And independent free-lancer consultants were getting caught in between all of it. Often getting blamed and not getting compensated for the value they were providing. Anyway, there were a lot of moving pieces that contributed to definition of hacker, evolving open source (was it even legal?), what would the new power dynamics be, what are the new markets and business models, etc. Agile related offshoots were one of the manifestations as a response to some of the complex issues (e.g. tensions) in the ecosystem.