How-to Install the Zones Plugin

The Federated Wiki - Zones Pluging, type: zones, extends the markup of the federated wiki. github

The plugin is used, for example, on the Text and Video Chats page.

See The Day Scott Tried Wiki for a motivating example.

The following TypeError message appears if the plugin is not installed on your server and you click `help`.

Can't find plugin

Now we want to get the plugin up and running on your server.

- You need Plugmatic, fortunately it is preinstalled. - You need to choose Plugmatic on the Factory menu. - You need a Factory item, that comes from the [+] button - You need a place to put it …


- You need to type the plugin name which isn't Zones but `wiki-plugin-zones`. - You need to close the editor with the right keystroke. - You need to click on the red stoplight to install. - But the stoplight is gray because you are not admin.

Prerequisite: You are an administrator.

**NB.** We assume that users can install and run wiki with the following command.

$ npm install -g wiki $ wiki

This means that we can assume that people are already familiar with npm (but don't know about Plugmatic). So why even introduce the Plugmatic concept in a Local-First Software scenario? How about continuing with the npm concept we have already introduced?

Wouldn't it be enough to tell people how to find the packageDir? (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/wiki/node_modules)

cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/wiki/node_modules npm i wiki-plugin-zones wiki



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It doesn’t matter how good your product is, because if its documentation is not good enough, people will not use it. Even if they have to use it because they have no choice, without good documentation, they won’t use it effectively or the way you’d like them to. page