How We Survey Pages

We collect specific information from wiki pages by systematically probing each one, collecting raw and formatted data on a new page then updating this page incrementally at our own convenience.

We launch a new survey by probing every page.

digraph { rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=gold] survey node [fillcolor=palegreen] pages [label="all\npages"] probe [label="chosen\nprobe"] sitemap [label="current\nsitemap"] launch [label="launch\nscript"] pages -> probe -> launch -> survey sitemap -> launch }

We update a survey by probing new or changed pages.

digraph { rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=gold] survey old node [fillcolor=palegreen] pages [label="changed\npages"] probe [label="chosen\nprobe"] sitemap [label="current\nsitemap"] script [label="update\nscript"] old [label="old\nsurvey"] pages -> probe -> script -> survey sitemap -> script old -> script }

Survey results inform other workflows and visualizations whose scripts optionally apply latest changes.

digraph { rankdir=LR node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=gold] survey node [fillcolor=palegreen] pages [label="changed\npages"] probe [label="chosen\nprobe"] sitemap [label="current\nsitemap"] script [label="application\nscript"] viz [label="visualization\nscript"] work [label="workflow\nscript"] logic [label="update\nlogic"] survey -> viz survey -> work pages -> probe -> logic -> script sitemap -> logic survey -> logic }

A survey page is named after the probe that informs it. One item, often the update script, carries an extra json field named "survey" with the raw data.

The raw data mirrors the sitemap's title, slug and date. One or more fields carry the data collected by the probe.

See Site Survey Factory for operational details.