Hunting and Dressing Litter

We've been impressed with Max Liboiron's methods of collecting and analyzing aquatic plastic waste. In our own amateur ways we wonder what has been discarded along our neighborhood ways.

Discard studies is an emerging field that looks at waste and wasting broadly construed.

# Equipment

We have used kitchen tongs to collect but found the constant squatting was limiting how fast we could work.

We've upgraded to 36 inch grabbers and find that they are almost as good for collecting even very small or thin items.

Steel Grip 36 in. Mechanical Pick-Up Tool. ace

# Process

We collect in 13-gallon drawstring kitchen trash bags. We have tried smaller bags but even a half-hour of collecting along a busy street will overflow. costco

We use a heavy duty coat hanger and office binder clips to stabilize the bag a few inches beyond normal reach which works well with the 36 inch grabber.

Collection, Drying, Sorting.

We empty collections into three or four plastic bins where soggy material will dry for a few days.

Contents is later sorted three ways. Soggy waste, mostly paper, cigarettes and broken glass go directly to trash.

Distinct items, like bottles and cans, are saved only to be counted.

Unique items like electrical devices, car parts and personal treasures will be later washed and further documented.