Hypercard in the World

A laser-powered live-programming environment for the real world. Recorded at CDG on May 16, 2016.

YOUTUBE uI7J3II59lc Published Aug 29, 2024.

2014: CDG research lab was co-founded by Alan Kay and Bret Victor to reinvent computing for the 21st century. The Dynamicland vision and technology emerged from years of exploration, hundreds of working prototypes, and multiple whole-system iterations.

Dynamicland's new documentation space will be here on September 4th. site

Bret presented his vision of "humane" computing in Portland at the Splash 2014 conference. He also attended my talk about federated wiki which was already three years old. Bret was not impressed.

We collect here principles and beliefs that have informed the prolonged design of federated wiki. This material contains the basis of and supplement to a talk presented in the Wavefront track at the once OOPSLA now Splash ACM event in Portland. page slides video