strict digraph { rankdir=LR type=circo node [shape=box style=filled fillcolor=bisque] "Verb" "Subject" "Object" node [fillcolor=palegreen] "Verb" -> "Hyperlink in Verb" "Verb" -> "Object" "Verb" -> "Subject" node [fillcolor=palegreen] "Subject" -> "Hyperlink in Subject" "Subject" -> "Object" node [fillcolor=palegreen] "Object" -> "Hyperlink in Object" "Object" -> "Verb" "Object" -> "Subject"}
What Ward did is …
Ward gave a TED talk in Oregon about how he invented wiki. He reached the end of web, instead of stopping, decided to add a button to keep going. Hence wiki was born and later forked creating Wikipedia.
Ward is best known as the inventor of wiki technology. Now, as the Nike Open Data Fellow, he has set out to change the world by doing for numbers what he's done for words: use technology to give them depth and meaning that ordinary people can depend on every day.