is a senior computer scientist at Viewpoints Research Institute and currently a visiting researcher at Ritsumeikan University
near Kyoto, Japan. page (2013)
He spends his professional time trying to make computing systems more open, expressive and accessible to programmers and users alike.
Recursive-descent parser generators for C, peg/leg site
peg and leg are tools for generating recursive-descent parsers: programs that perform pattern matching on text. They processes a Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) [Ford 2004] to produce a program that recognises legal sentences of that grammar. peg processes PEGs written using the original syntax described by Ford; leg processes PEGs written using slightly different syntax and conventions that are intended to make it an attractive replacement for parsers built with lex and yacc. Unlike lex and yacc, peg and leg support unlimited backtracking, provide ordered choice as a means for disambiguation, and can combine scanning (lexical analysis) and parsing (syntactic analysis) into a single activity.
PEG-based transformer provides front-, middle
and back-end stages in a simple compiler. pdf
> Traditional compiler generators target a single stage within the compilation process. Each generator typically uses a dedicated specification language and the generated code often imposes restrictions on the program representation accepted as input or generated as output. This makes compilers larger and more complex than they need to be. We present a simple compiler that unifies specification and implementation of all its stages, using PEG-based transformations on a single, versatile representation. The resulting compiler is small, easy to understand, and highly suited to implementing its own implementation language.
=> OMeta => Cola => Combined Object-Lambda Architectures