Image URL Not Editable

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Image URL Not Editable with Wiki Client matrix

Image url not editable with wiki-client

I am thinking of using my GT Dynabook to change the raw data url of the image accordingly. What should be the correct journal entry for such an edit?

paul90 via matrix Looking at the Malleability page, the first image starts out as:

{ "type": "html", "text": "<center><img width=80% src=\"http:/assets/image/Image60080.jpg\">", "id": "33257015772240" },

which would become something like:

{ "type": "image", "id": "33257015772240", "source": "", "text": " ", "size": "wide", "width": 419, "height": 429, "url": "/assets/plugins/image/e5fd9c947fd04691d4105b4db5b14011.jpg" }

so the journal would be

{ "type": "edit", "id": "33257015772240", "item": { "type": "image", "id": "33257015772240", "source": "", "text": " ", "size": "wide", "width": 419, "height": 429, "url": "/assets/plugins/image/e5fd9c947fd04691d4105b4db5b14011.jpg" }, "date": 1701200225073 }

The image's width and height will vary by image, and are used in the img tag to reserve screen space for the image.

The image plugin probably needs to add handling alt/cmd+m to show the factory, so that a replacement image can be dropped, or have some other mechanism to allow that.


DOT FROM two-level-diagram


We will fetch page json from the site, write revised versions using the new image plugin, then expose them as ghost pages that can be forked to a new location.