Import Website Graphs

We list a few entry pages for popular websites.

{"name":"page1", "url":"https:// "},
{"name":"page2", "url":"https:// "},

{"name":"Published Papers", "url":""},
{"name":"Original Web Pages", "url":""},
{"name":"Original Wiki", "url":""},
{"name":"Cybords", "url":""}

{"name":"Morse Teacher", "url":""},
{"name":"American Glory", "url":""},
{"name":"Solar Raster", "url":""},
{"name":"DotWar", "url":""},
{"name":"PDP-8 Sim", "url":""}

{"name":"Super Collaborator", "url":""},
{"name":"Reporting & Analysis", "url":""},
{"name":"Mock Graph Data", "url":""},
{"name":"Story Telling", "url":""}
]} HEIGHT 240

Add code here to extract nodes and relations from _json_ and add them to _graph_. Remember node ids in _nids_.

for (const root in json) { const from = graph.addNode('Website',{name:root}) for (const leaf of json[root]) { const to = graph.addNode('Webpage',leaf) graph.addRel('',from,to) } }