by Roberto Busa SJ and associates
web edition by Eduardo Bernot and Enrique Alarcón
la versión española estará disponible en el futuro
M. Dalbello, “A genealogy of digital humanities,” Journal of Documentation, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 480–506, Jan. 2011, doi: 10.1108/00220411111124550.
> The most significant early employment of computer resources in the humanities was the Index Thomisticus, a concordance to the works of Thomas Aquinas initiated by Father Roberto Busa. The Index became the basis for the published and database versions of the concordance and is considered to be the first electronic text project in the humanities (Smith, 2002). The project began as a government-industry-scholarly partnership, launching the first generation of IBM’s large-scale digital calculating machines for research work nearly two decades before the computing industry started expanding its reach to everyday life. When “in 1950, Roberto Busa, S.J. announced in Speculum (25:424-25) his plans for an index to the works of Thomas Aquinas, requesting ‘any information ... about such mechanical devices as would serve to achieve the greatest possible accuracy, with a maximum economy of human labor’” (Burton, 1984, p. 891). Published some 30 years later (in 1974-1979), the Index became the work of major importance for theologians, philosophers, cultural historians, medievalists, Latin scholars, and linguists (Burton, 1984).