
An Innovator is someone who has Creative Confidence and is willing to try new ideas or products, knowing that the risk of failure is high.

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The term was coined by Everitt Rogers in 1962 to explain the process of adopting new innovation. He defined a bell curve, called the Rogers' Curve, to explain this process

Within any school, there are teachers who are quite innovators. They are risk-takers who are either given license to experiment or are simply doing it quietly.

It is important that the Evangelist help identify these Innovators and begin to align support for them. This support come by linking them together into a Learning Cohort that has support from leadership.

Innovators play a critical role in the process and need to have opportunities to Share the Stories. As they do so, other teachers are encouraged to explore new learning strategies, as Early Adopters.

Together, they build to bridge to those who are interested by hesitant, the Early Majority, thereby crossing Moore's Chasm .