Intention Movement

In early animal behaviour studies people developed the notion of an “intention movement” as a coordinating device, ie. the first bit of a sequence elicited the response that was appropriate for the sequence. I think this is not dissimilar to what happens as the first step in a coordination of coordinations. For example pointing... it coordinates our attention as if we were about to be moving in that direction. If you watch a baby who is learning to “look at the bird” they are not responding to the notion of “a bird” but rather looking in the way you are looking, and the movement of the bird may catch their further attention. Dogs look right where the finger is, as if it were a nose pointing to something suitable. I taught Sindi to look along the line of sight by gradual increments of distance from caches of treats. page Consensual Coordination


is what causes distinctions to come into existence, and since in Smalltalk different kinds of distinctions are modeled by different kinds of classes, it clearly follows that revealing our intentions in an expressive manner also implies creating classes for the distinctions we perceive. -- Valloud, A Mentoring Course on Smalltalk, p. 127.

are pure units of Behavior that can be composed to form classes or other traits. The Trait Composition Mechanism is an alternative to multiple or mixin inheritance in which the composer has full control over the trait composition. It enables more reuse than single inheritance without introducing the drawbacks of multiple or mixin inheritance. page

ASKOFF, Russell Lincoln. Creating the corporate future: Plan or be planned for. Wiley, 1981, p. 104

SANZ, Ricardo, et al. Thinking with the body: Towards hierarchical, scalable cognition. In: Handbook of Cognitive Science. Elsevier, 2008. p. 395-421.

(Denken in Schichten)