
So let's make a shift from things to interactions. ⇒ Interaction (Interaktion)

Furthermore, we will try to make a shift: We can look at things as mere collections of interactions.

So in a way we are going to try to see the world primarily as Action. It will be as weird as trying to make a sentence with only verbs, which can be done by sort of freezing verbs into things. E.g Runner, Thinker, Lover, etd.

So now we can play with the interactions among E-O-M-E (EOME from now on). Later we will consider some of the actions going on within each of the parts.

We will learn to consider parts, E, O, M, to be merely collections of interactions. So let's consider Things as butterfly nets that hold living butterflies. Hold them too hard or too long and they die – we call that Reification.


The Distinction medium/form comes from an idea originally expressed by Fritz Heider.


The thingness is not the butterflies-flying-living, rather it is the net, almost invisible. Yet the net (Netting as a cognitive activity) the thing that allows the butterflies to be held apart from their environment – a pre-death kind of isolation.

Interesting to explore nets as capturing and confining devices and networks as sets of related interactions.


Das Ding ist nicht der Schmetterling, der fliegt und lebt, sondern das Netz, das fast unsichtbar ist. Und doch ist das Netz (das Netzen als kognitive Aktivität) das Ding, das es den Schmetterlingen ermöglicht, von ihrer Umgebung getrennt zu sein – eine Art von Isolation vor dem Tod.

Es ist interessant, Netze als Erfassungs- und Begrenzungsvorrichtungen und Netze als Gruppen von zusammenhängenden Interaktionen zu untersuchen.