A short tour around the scene of #StructuralEditing (inspired by the recent announcement of project-mage.org) - from Panicz Maciej Godek's perspective, post
> so I shall begin with the projects that resonate with me most strongly
So, the number 1 is @leif 's page work on "Interactive Visual Syntax", as explained here:
YOUTUBE 8htgAxJuK5c Adding Interactive Visual Syntax to Textual Code ; Paper: arxiv
Turning geometrical thoughts into code is hard, and linear text does not do justice to such thoughts. We propose a novel mechanism for conveniently extending textual programming languages with problem-specific visual syntax.
(Leif also implemented this idea in the visr.pl online IDE)
4:10 Tsuro is a game played on a grid, with players taking turns moving their tokens based on tiles they put on that grid.
matrix –: