
A SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO WAR? ANTOINE-HENRI JOMINI (GREAT STRATEGISTS) By William Johnsen, Conrad Crane and Jacqueline Whitt, September 5, 2019

CC: Jomini is the major influence on the 19th century, but J.F.C. Fuller is the one that's going to transfer his ideas more to the 20th century, and move into more of the principles of war idea. Again, I have a copy here. This is a copy of an 1862 cadet notebook, where Dennis Hart Mahan is teaching Jomini to cadets and a series of lectures. And this is how the third lecture starts off on strategy:

> "Jomini defined strategy by the science of making war on a map. Strategy is the embodiment of rules and principles drawn from experience. Strategical operations is nothing more than the movement of troops for something decisive".

So that's kind of, again, that just what Bill said, that's kind of the essence of Jomini that's being taught at West Point and in military academies in the 19th century. But again, the 20th, it starts to expand, and you get Fuller and others to start to try to draw even more principles out of it. And I think it starts to change a bit when we get into the 20th century.