Journal, Aug 2023

Wikifunctions is a collaboratively edited catalog of computer functions to enable the creation, modification, and reuse of source code. It is closely related to Abstract Wikipedia, an extension of Wikidata to create a language-independent version of Wikipedia using its structured data. Provisionally named Wikilambda, the definitive name of Wikifunctions was announced on 22 December 2020 following a naming contest. Wikifunctions is the first Wikimedia project to launch since Wikidata in 2012. After three years of development, Wikifunctions officiall

DOT FROM lambda-browsing

Write Wiki Pages in a Poetic FormSprache ist weder in der Lage noch hat sie die Funktion, die Identität oder Gleichheit von Erleben und Handeln verschiedener Personen zu bewirken.

HORKHEIMER, Max and ADORNO, Theodor W., 2003. Dialektik der Aufklärung: Philosophische Fragmente. Frankfurt am Main: Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verl. Fischer-Taschenbücher, 50669. ISBN 978-3-596-50669-9.



elm-pages v3Justin Blake's Express community adapter ⇒ elm-pages-starter-express ⇒ deployment page (serve a node app) ⇒

Lateral ThinkingGanz im Gegenteil (‘Wholeness’ in the Opposite) ⇒ Existence

Custom Backend Task: owner:dillonkearns custom-backend-task search

View Route ModuleWire Issue ⇒ Json Decoding Error