Journal, Jan 2024

The principles of Boundary Arithmetic

DOT FROM two-level-diagram

In late 2023, I (Brian Marick) did a series of podcast episodes on ecological and embodied cognition. (Start here – EXCERPT: Concepts Without Categories podcast –, even though that episode is marked as optional. Note that all episodes have transcripts.) In the last episode, I identified “Illinois-style design”, which is biased toward creating data structures or classes that are faithful representations of the program’s domain. In iterative/incremental design, Illi


I would like to draw Brian Marick's attention to the following illustration. Replace person_1 with Brian and person_2 with App Animal. post post


Magritte: GT Columned View from Description - Simplify API github

Lebendigkeit industriell erzeugen


Need for ContradictionsHomo occidentalis : von der Anschauung zur Bemächtigung der Welt : Zäsuren abendländischer Epistemologie archive by Bammé, Arno


Oddly InfluencedStructure SharingWiki as Pattern Language: tools to facilitate efficient sharing and modifying of patterns. ⇒ Room Dialect

Path, room and network dialects are path oriented. Although their representation on the page is from above, they Invite a Reading From Inside. We partcipate by traveling along a path as time progresses. See Viewpoint

ZÜRCHER, Christian, 2024. Matterhorn University. Basler Zeitung. 25 Januar 2024. S. 5

Ward via matrix DM:

marcpierson via matrix