Richard MacManus (2022-05-17), Croquet Woos JavaScript Devs with a Web-Based Metaverse. thenewstack
DOT FROM lambda-browsing
The ‘Form’ Element Created the Modern Web. Was It a Big Mistake? post
gt Markdown Diff needs running Python Bridge.
Ward via matrix
Dynabook Demo: Transcripts ⇒ Croquet Tutorial ⇒ Replicated Computation ⇒ Computational Irreducibility
We have created 30 experiments building and using property graphs on wiki pages. We're beginning to see complementary workflows building on the work so far.
⇒ Dojo ⇒ Worldcore ⇒ Mixins ⇒ Visible Mixin
Unusual errors in xcodebuild. page
Try typing
I Am the Walrus
How Croquet might support collecting and transporting things between worlds …
You don't go into that world, you just see it. 😉
⇒ Timing
yes, where we allow time to create the potentiate silence of a whitespace... we often suggest long walks for this reason.
Forking the Spheres of Political Influence page from `` to be able to present a contradiction.
Croquet chat works in wiki Frame with no modifications.
> […] and also an excerpt from a book draft that proposes "a two-dimensional syntax for the NoteTaker programming language; the semantics is that of the current (1977) Smalltalk. – computerhistory
FUCHS, Peter, 2001. Das Weltbildhaus und die Siebensachen der Moderne. Sozialphilosophische Vorlesungen. ISBN 978-3-89669-995-4.