Journal, Jun 2022

Richard MacManus (2022-05-17), Croquet Woos JavaScript Devs with a Web-Based Metaverse. thenewstack

DOT FROM lambda-browsing

The ‘Form’ Element Created the Modern Web. Was It a Big Mistake? post

gt Markdown Diff needs running Python Bridge.

Ward via matrix


We have created 30 experiments building and using property graphs on wiki pages. We're beginning to see complementary workflows building on the work so far.

Unusual errors in xcodebuild. page

Try typing

I Am the Walrus

How Croquet might support collecting and transporting things between worlds …

You don't go into that world, you just see it. 😉


yes, where we allow time to create the potentiate silence of a whitespace... we often suggest long walks for this reason.

Forking the Spheres of Political Influence page from `` to be able to present a contradiction.

Croquet chat works in wiki Frame with no modifications.

> […] and also an excerpt from a book draft that proposes "a two-dimensional syntax for the NoteTaker programming language; the semantics is that of the current (1977) Smalltalk. – computerhistory

FUCHS, Peter, 2001. Das Weltbildhaus und die Siebensachen der Moderne. Sozialphilosophische Vorlesungen. ISBN 978-3-89669-995-4.