Journal, Mar 2023

DOT FROM lambda-browsing

führen: Leadership reminiscent of raising toddlers? Seriously?

HiccupKarsten Schmidt mentions a revised approach which simplifies this all even further post , is a truly manifold long-term project devoted to Computational Design. site

Eric DobbsPressures Conflicts Adaptations: The visual, iconographic representation of a sequence of shapes piqued my interest in connection with your earlier page Above and Below the Line. I can relate this well to my current work in the context of our Graph Collaborator, where I am trying to apply an idea from the Wolfram Physics Project:

Kandinsky: Point and line to surface/area/face ⇒ GlassLens MakersTable-Top Augmented RealityInfinite Tracing

First iFrame: Cross-document messaging, Window.postMessage()

A quite good overview of the currently pressing problem areas in Laos, the host country of a friend, is given by this contribution from Deutschlandfunk Kultur. It was broadcast yesterday evening in the program "Weltzeit". page (de)

Werner SchwarzProviding the Initial BreaksHurly-BurlyTrefoil Knot (Dennis, McNair, and Kauffman, The Mereon Matrix, p. 47) ⇒ Golden Mean (Dennis, McNair, and Kauffman, The Mereon Matrix, p. 52)

We place the German and English glossary entries for Sinn and Meaning side by side. ⇒ Meaning (Sinn)

Governing Machine of the Market