Journal Visualization

David interprets the request and the answer as passing each other – from languages that are not connected. In his opinion, it is a (design) mistake to interpret the signal as a statement of fact. This misses the point of wiki. The truth is hidden somewhere in the question, which deserves to be heard more carefully.

"This is not history. We are not an example of anything. It is what is happening right now. Do you understand? Just that."

Full Page Journal

This design space would have the following elements:

1. **Respect** for the questioner and the community of advisors interested in the future and health of Wiki. Secondly, respect for the role of the designers and the design demonstrated by inviting them to collaborate on a solution. And finally, respect for the architectural vision and the clarity of the text that describes it. 1. **Space**. "Hide and seek" can be transformed into "minimal and beautiful," and a wiki link from this minimal journal item can open an entire page dedicated to journal visualization and interaction. The increased design space makes it easier and faster to move on. 1. **Teamwork** around architectual vision. The design space invites writing in wiki in the way we are familiar with plugins. Wiki lends to a prcess of Document Driven Design in which the clarification of architectural and design goals is specified first in wiki pages.

Our dreams for this technology are pulled in different directions by competing traditions as to what we put into computers and what we expect to happen there. Hypertext straddles this division and is thus able to go either way. But our dreams are most likely aligned with one or the other.

Konrad Hinsen via matrix The model-document tension is, in my opinion, what is blocking evolution in scientific publishing (other than incumbents defending their interest of course). Very regularly, someone asks why scientific publishing hasn't embraced Web technology. The technical part of the answer is "because the Web has no notion of a Document". So we are stuck with PDF files. If you then ask people what they want to do better than with a PDF, the answers are well summarized by "make it more of a model" (add interactive elements, allow updates, comments, ...). My idea for solving this dilemma is models that have documents as components. That's one of the reasons I came to this place.


Thompson Morrison is recounting the very moment when …

Ward via matrix In this photo Thompson is recounting the very moment when he realized that he could meet the needs of a Document without sacrificing the Model aspects of wiki. His ways are not the only way but it is one that is working so we pay careful attention when he wants to push wiki further.


Computer based analysis of the Semantics of language expressed as text is an AI level problem.