
key1 | BrE kiː, AmE ki | A noun 1 (literal or figurative) Schlüssel (Mask.) ▸ the key to success der Schlüssel zum Erfolg ▸ the key to the mystery des Rätsels Lösung der Schlüssel zum Geheimnis

2 (Place) Schlüsselstellung (Fem.) (Military)

3 (set of answers) [Lösungs]schlüssel (Mask.); (to map etc.) Zeichenerklärung (Fem.); (to cipher) Schlüssel (Mask.) 4 (translation) [wörtliche] Übersetzung 5 (on piano, typewriter, etc.) Taste (Fem.); (on wind instrument) Klappe (Fem.) 6 (Electricity) Taste (Fem.) 7 (Music) Tonart (Fem.); (figurative) (of speech or writing) Ton (Mask.), Tonart (Fem.) ▸ sing/play in/off key richtig/falsch singen/spielen 8 (Botany) Flügelfrucht (Fem.) 9 (for grasping screws etc.) [Schrauben]schlüssel (Mask.); (for winding a clock etc.) Schlüssel (Mask.) see also house A3 B adjective, (attrib) entscheidend; Schlüssel- ‹-frage, -position, -rolle, -figur, -industrie› C transitive verb also key in (Computing) eintasten PHRASAL VERB key up transitive verb 1 (stimulate) key sb up to sth/to a state of excitement jmdn. zu etw. hinreißen/in einen Zustand der Erregung versetzen ▸ the crowd was keyed up for the match die Menge war auf das Spiel eingestimmt 2 (make extremely tense) be all keyed up ganz aufgeregt sein ▸ he was all keyed up for the great event er fieberte dem großen Ereignis entgegen key2 noun (Geography) [Korallen]insel (Fem.)


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