Knowers to Learners

Knowing makes us feel confident and safe, like we are experts who have wisdom to share. Learning can make us feel vulnerable and uncomfortable, like we are novices with little control or certainty. Yet, we grow when we learn, not when we know.

When we know, we repeat and are self-assured in our doing. Knowing allows us to undertake daily tasks or our job with ease, familiarity and a level of comfort. Acquiring new knowledge can make us feel powerful.

When we learn, we often don't have any expertise. Learning takes us down unknown paths and requires us to sit in discomfort with our questions and fear. Learning can make us feel powerless.

Yet, when we learn, we also experience great joy. We experiment and wonder, notice and process as we embrace a Beginner's Mind. Learning challenges our knowing, allows growth and reveals new, exciting understandings. Learning can often make us feel empowered.

Our mindset guides how we show up in our daily lives. We might feel courageous when we show up as a knower but it takes greater courage to show up as a learner. We are free to choose Confident Courage over comfort, joy over familiarity.

An educator who shows up as a learner models what it looks like, feels like and sounds like to learn deeply. They embrace an Agile Mindset. When we show up as learners rather than knowers, we inspire and give others permission to do the same.